Madrasati App
It is an app designated for schools and educational institutions of all kinds where you as a leader or a educational institute manager can communicate with all its employees, students, student’s parents etc… via SMS which is directly linked with Noor’s central system which is for saudi schools particularly , it can also be linked to other systems and databases.
The App’s Special Features
Import data
It enables you to import students and teachers data from Noor's system directly with the ability to edit it inside the app so easily.
The app supports the high school curriculum system
Directly to the guardian
It enables you to send the daily absence , the late morning attendance, the behavioral infractions, and all the daily situations that happen to the student to his parents.
Noor's system
The app enables you to upload absence and behavior to Noor's system automatically without needing to sign into Noor's system and waste your power and time.
Ease of sending
The app enables you to send messages to all the school's employees from teachers , supervisors , and adminstators etc...
Add/edit/delete students
The app enables you to send news and annoucments to all the teachers and students, such as test dates , classes' delays, certificates receival , and school fees payments etc…
Print Report
It enbales you to print report cards with sent messages , such as reports of daily absence and late attendance and save it as a paper document.
Edit in Noor's system
You can through the app add new students or edit and delete existent students without needing to edit in Noor's system.
You can open the app on more than one desktop at a time without needing any other settings.
Compatible with Excel
It enables you to upload teachers and students data through a hand-written Excel file so easily.
Search in reports
It enables you to search in reports of sent messages at any time of private messages with a certain number with the ability of printing the report of the result.
Messages templates
It enables you to save favorite or your own messages templates to use it periodically at different times whenever you want.
Additional features for a fee:
- You can search about repeated and wrong numbers to eliminate it while sending.
- You can view the message and its cost before the approval of sending it.
- The app is free plus it provides free balance to try it out when you register.
If you have any questions, you can use technical support tickets from here or you can call directly on our lines
We are happy to serve you
9200 10 170
We support all providers in the world

